Sunday, June 09, 2024

Chaumont Barrens - June 5, 2024


Every year for several years now I have made a pilgrimage to Chaumont Barrens to photograph wildflowers. It is a unique environment for the Northeast that belongs to the Nature Conservancy. It has some flowers not normally seen in the NE including Prairie Smoke, There are Yellow Ladyslippers in late May/early June but I missed those this year. Apparently because of our early spring they had already gone by.


Prairie Smoke

Woods's Rose (according to


Tall Cinquefoil

Woods's Rose

Wood Lilies


Golden Ragwort in a clump of grass on an area of exposed bedrock.
There is quite a bit of exposed bedrock.

Herb Robert - This was in a wooded section. I was fortunate that a patch of light was on the blossom.

About the Barrens

I have trouble remembering names*, people's names, and the names of things, especially flowers. I can recall a few easily but I usually end up looking them up in my wildflower books or lately using an app that allows me to take a photograph that it then matches to several possibilities. I won't swear to the specific ID of some of these, the roses for example. I'm not an expert and don't care enough to become one. I ID them as best I can because I know someone will ask.

*My inability to readily remember names is not due to age. It has been a lifelong thing, a trait that also showed up on a personality test I once took. It's a random thing. I never forget Herb Robert but I have a hard time remembering Columbine which I see far more frequently. I even have it in my garden.

Enjoy the photos and share the link to this page if you want to share with others. 

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